libiec61850  1.2.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
iec61850_client.h File Reference
#include "libiec61850_common_api.h"
#include "iec61850_common.h"
#include "mms_value.h"
#include "mms_client_connection.h"
#include "linked_list.h"

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Data Structures

struct  LastApplError


#define IEC61850_SV_OPT_REFRESH_TIME   1
#define IEC61850_SV_OPT_SAMPLE_SYNC   2
#define IEC61850_SV_OPT_SAMPLE_RATE   4
#define IEC61850_SV_OPT_DATA_SET   8
#define IEC61850_SV_OPT_SECURITY   16
#define GOCB_ELEMENT_GO_ID   2
#define GOCB_ELEMENT_ALL   511
#define REASON_GI   IEC61850_REASON_GI
#define RCB_ELEMENT_RPT_ID   1
#define RCB_ELEMENT_RESV   4
#define RCB_ELEMENT_BUF_TM   64
#define RCB_ELEMENT_SQ_NUM   128
#define RCB_ELEMENT_TRG_OPS   256
#define RCB_ELEMENT_INTG_PD   512
#define RCB_ELEMENT_GI   1024
#define RCB_ELEMENT_PURGE_BUF   2048
#define RCB_ELEMENT_ENTRY_ID   4096
#define RCB_ELEMENT_RESV_TMS   16384
#define RCB_ELEMENT_OWNER   32768


typedef struct sClientDataSet * ClientDataSet
typedef struct sClientReport * ClientReport
typedef struct sClientReportControlBlock * ClientReportControlBlock
typedef struct sClientGooseControlBlock * ClientGooseControlBlock
typedef struct sIedConnection * IedConnection
typedef void(* IedConnectionClosedHandler) (void *parameter, IedConnection connection)
typedef struct sClientSVControlBlock * ClientSVControlBlock
typedef void(* ReportCallbackFunction) (void *parameter, ClientReport report)
 Callback function for receiving reports. More...
typedef struct sControlObjectClient * ControlObjectClient
typedef void(* CommandTerminationHandler) (void *parameter, ControlObjectClient controlClient)
 Private a callback handler that is invoked when a command termination message is received. More...
typedef struct sFileDirectoryEntry * FileDirectoryEntry
typedef bool(* IedClientGetFileHandler) (void *parameter, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bytesRead)
 user provided handler to receive the data of the GetFile request More...


enum  IedClientError {
enum  ReasonForInclusion {
enum  ControlModel {
enum  ACSIClass {


IedConnection IedConnection_create (void)
 create a new IedConnection instance More...
IedConnection IedConnection_createWithTlsSupport (TLSConfiguration tlsConfig)
 create a new IedConnection instance that has support for TLS More...
void IedConnection_destroy (IedConnection self)
 destroy an IedConnection instance. More...
void IedConnection_setConnectTimeout (IedConnection self, uint32_t timeoutInMs)
 set the connect timeout in ms More...
void IedConnection_connect (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *hostname, int tcpPort)
 Connect to a server. More...
void IedConnection_abort (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error)
 Abort the connection. More...
void IedConnection_release (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error)
 Release the connection. More...
void IedConnection_close (IedConnection self)
 Close the connection. More...
IedConnectionState IedConnection_getState (IedConnection self)
 return the state of the connection. More...
LastApplError IedConnection_getLastApplError (IedConnection self)
 Access to last application error received by the client connection. More...
void IedConnection_installConnectionClosedHandler (IedConnection self, IedConnectionClosedHandler handler, void *parameter)
 Install a handler function that will be called when the connection is lost. More...
MmsConnection IedConnection_getMmsConnection (IedConnection self)
 get a handle to the underlying MmsConnection More...
ClientSVControlBlock ClientSVControlBlock_create (IedConnection connection, const char *reference)
 Create a new ClientSVControlBlock instance. More...
void ClientSVControlBlock_destroy (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 Free all resources related to the ClientSVControlBlock instance. More...
bool ClientSVControlBlock_isMulticast (ClientSVControlBlock self)
IedClientError ClientSVControlBlock_getLastComError (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 Return the error code of the last write or write acccess to the SVCB. More...
bool ClientSVControlBlock_setSvEna (ClientSVControlBlock self, bool value)
bool ClientSVControlBlock_getSvEna (ClientSVControlBlock self)
bool ClientSVControlBlock_setResv (ClientSVControlBlock self, bool value)
bool ClientSVControlBlock_getResv (ClientSVControlBlock self)
char * ClientSVControlBlock_getMsvID (ClientSVControlBlock self)
char * ClientSVControlBlock_getDatSet (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 Get the (MMS) reference to the data set. More...
uint32_t ClientSVControlBlock_getConfRev (ClientSVControlBlock self)
uint16_t ClientSVControlBlock_getSmpRate (ClientSVControlBlock self)
PhyComAddress ClientSVControlBlock_getDstAddress (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 returns the destination address of the SV publisher More...
int ClientSVControlBlock_getOptFlds (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 returns the OptFlds bit string as integer More...
uint8_t ClientSVControlBlock_getSmpMod (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 returns number of sample mode of the SV publisher More...
int ClientSVControlBlock_getNoASDU (ClientSVControlBlock self)
 returns number of ASDUs included in the SV message More...
ClientGooseControlBlock ClientGooseControlBlock_create (const char *dataAttributeReference)
void ClientGooseControlBlock_destroy (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
bool ClientGooseControlBlock_getGoEna (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
void ClientGooseControlBlock_setGoEna (ClientGooseControlBlock self, bool goEna)
const char * ClientGooseControlBlock_getGoID (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
void ClientGooseControlBlock_setGoID (ClientGooseControlBlock self, const char *goID)
const char * ClientGooseControlBlock_getDatSet (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDatSet (ClientGooseControlBlock self, const char *datSet)
uint32_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getConfRev (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
bool ClientGooseControlBlock_getNdsComm (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
uint32_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getMinTime (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
uint32_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getMaxTime (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
bool ClientGooseControlBlock_getFixedOffs (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
PhyComAddress ClientGooseControlBlock_getDstAddress (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDstAddress (ClientGooseControlBlock self, PhyComAddress value)
DEPRECATED MmsValueClientGooseControlBlock_getDstAddress_addr (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
DEPRECATED void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDstAddress_addr (ClientGooseControlBlock self, MmsValue *macAddr)
DEPRECATED uint8_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getDstAddress_priority (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
DEPRECATED void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDstAddress_priority (ClientGooseControlBlock self, uint8_t priorityValue)
DEPRECATED uint16_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getDstAddress_vid (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
DEPRECATED void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDstAddress_vid (ClientGooseControlBlock self, uint16_t vidValue)
DEPRECATED uint16_t ClientGooseControlBlock_getDstAddress_appid (ClientGooseControlBlock self)
DEPRECATED void ClientGooseControlBlock_setDstAddress_appid (ClientGooseControlBlock self, uint16_t appidValue)
ClientGooseControlBlock IedConnection_getGoCBValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *goCBReference, ClientGooseControlBlock updateGoCB)
 Read access to attributes of a GOOSE control block (GoCB) at the connected server. A GoCB contains the configuration values for a single GOOSE publisher. More...
void IedConnection_setGoCBValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, ClientGooseControlBlock goCB, uint32_t parametersMask, bool singleRequest)
 Write access to attributes of a GOOSE control block (GoCB) at the connected server. More...
ClientReportControlBlock IedConnection_getRCBValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *rcbReference, ClientReportControlBlock updateRcb)
 Read access to attributes of a report control block (RCB) at the connected server. More...
void IedConnection_setRCBValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, ClientReportControlBlock rcb, uint32_t parametersMask, bool singleRequest)
 Write access to attributes of a report control block (RCB) at the connected server. More...
void IedConnection_installReportHandler (IedConnection self, const char *rcbReference, const char *rptId, ReportCallbackFunction handler, void *handlerParameter)
 Install a report handler function for the specified report control block (RCB) More...
void IedConnection_uninstallReportHandler (IedConnection self, const char *rcbReference)
 uninstall a report handler function for the specified report control block (RCB) More...
void IedConnection_triggerGIReport (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *rcbReference)
 Trigger a general interrogation (GI) report for the specified report control block (RCB) More...
const char * ClientReport_getDataSetName (ClientReport self)
 Get the name of the report data set. More...
MmsValueClientReport_getDataSetValues (ClientReport self)
 return the received data set values of the report More...
char * ClientReport_getRcbReference (ClientReport self)
 return reference (name) of the server RCB associated with this ClientReport object More...
char * ClientReport_getRptId (ClientReport self)
 return RptId of the server RCB associated with this ClientReport object More...
ReasonForInclusion ClientReport_getReasonForInclusion (ClientReport self, int elementIndex)
 get the reason code (reason for inclusion) for a specific report data set element More...
MmsValueClientReport_getEntryId (ClientReport self)
 get the entry ID of the report More...
bool ClientReport_hasTimestamp (ClientReport self)
 determine if the last received report contains a timestamp More...
bool ClientReport_hasSeqNum (ClientReport self)
uint16_t ClientReport_getSeqNum (ClientReport self)
bool ClientReport_hasDataSetName (ClientReport self)
bool ClientReport_hasReasonForInclusion (ClientReport self)
bool ClientReport_hasConfRev (ClientReport self)
uint32_t ClientReport_getConfRev (ClientReport self)
bool ClientReport_hasBufOvfl (ClientReport self)
 Indicates if the report contains the bufOvfl (buffer overflow) flag. More...
bool ClientReport_getBufOvfl (ClientReport self)
 Get the value of the bufOvfl flag. More...
bool ClientReport_hasDataReference (ClientReport self)
 Indicates if the report contains data references for the reported data set members. More...
const char * ClientReport_getDataReference (ClientReport self, int elementIndex)
 get the data-reference of the element of the report data set More...
uint64_t ClientReport_getTimestamp (ClientReport self)
 get the timestamp of the report More...
char * ReasonForInclusion_getValueAsString (ReasonForInclusion reasonCode)
 get the reason for inclusion of as a human readable string More...
ClientReportControlBlock ClientReportControlBlock_create (const char *rcbReference)
void ClientReportControlBlock_destroy (ClientReportControlBlock self)
char * ClientReportControlBlock_getObjectReference (ClientReportControlBlock self)
bool ClientReportControlBlock_isBuffered (ClientReportControlBlock self)
const char * ClientReportControlBlock_getRptId (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setRptId (ClientReportControlBlock self, const char *rptId)
bool ClientReportControlBlock_getRptEna (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setRptEna (ClientReportControlBlock self, bool rptEna)
bool ClientReportControlBlock_getResv (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setResv (ClientReportControlBlock self, bool resv)
const char * ClientReportControlBlock_getDataSetReference (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setDataSetReference (ClientReportControlBlock self, const char *dataSetReference)
 set the data set to be observed by the RCB More...
uint32_t ClientReportControlBlock_getConfRev (ClientReportControlBlock self)
int ClientReportControlBlock_getOptFlds (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setOptFlds (ClientReportControlBlock self, int optFlds)
uint32_t ClientReportControlBlock_getBufTm (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setBufTm (ClientReportControlBlock self, uint32_t bufTm)
uint16_t ClientReportControlBlock_getSqNum (ClientReportControlBlock self)
int ClientReportControlBlock_getTrgOps (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setTrgOps (ClientReportControlBlock self, int trgOps)
uint32_t ClientReportControlBlock_getIntgPd (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setIntgPd (ClientReportControlBlock self, uint32_t intgPd)
bool ClientReportControlBlock_getGI (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setGI (ClientReportControlBlock self, bool gi)
bool ClientReportControlBlock_getPurgeBuf (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setPurgeBuf (ClientReportControlBlock self, bool purgeBuf)
int16_t ClientReportControlBlock_getResvTms (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setResvTms (ClientReportControlBlock self, int16_t resvTms)
MmsValueClientReportControlBlock_getEntryId (ClientReportControlBlock self)
void ClientReportControlBlock_setEntryId (ClientReportControlBlock self, MmsValue *entryId)
uint64_t ClientReportControlBlock_getEntryTime (ClientReportControlBlock self)
MmsValueClientReportControlBlock_getOwner (ClientReportControlBlock self)
MmsValueIedConnection_readObject (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataAttributeReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) or functional constrained data (FCD). More...
void IedConnection_writeObject (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataAttributeReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, MmsValue *value)
 write a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) or functional constrained data (FCD). More...
bool IedConnection_readBooleanValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type boolean More...
float IedConnection_readFloatValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type float More...
char * IedConnection_readStringValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type VisibleString or MmsString More...
int32_t IedConnection_readInt32Value (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type Integer or Unsigned and return the result as int32_t More...
int64_t IedConnection_readInt64Value (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type Integer or Unsigned and return the result as int64_t More...
uint32_t IedConnection_readUnsigned32Value (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type Integer or Unsigned and return the result as uint32_t More...
TimestampIedConnection_readTimestampValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, Timestamp *timeStamp)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type Timestamp (UTC Time) More...
Quality IedConnection_readQualityValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 read a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type Quality More...
void IedConnection_writeBooleanValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, bool value)
 write a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type boolean More...
void IedConnection_writeInt32Value (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, int32_t value)
 write a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type integer More...
void IedConnection_writeUnsigned32Value (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, uint32_t value)
 write a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type unsigned (integer) More...
void IedConnection_writeFloatValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, float value)
 write a functional constrained data attribute (FCDA) of type float More...
void IedConnection_writeVisibleStringValue (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, char *value)
void IedConnection_writeOctetString (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *objectReference, FunctionalConstraint fc, uint8_t *value, int valueLength)
ClientDataSet IedConnection_readDataSetValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataSetReference, ClientDataSet dataSet)
 get data set values from a server device More...
void IedConnection_createDataSet (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataSetReference, LinkedListdataSetElements)
 create a new data set at the connected server device More...
bool IedConnection_deleteDataSet (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataSetReference)
 delete a deletable data set at the connected server device More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getDataSetDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataSetReference, bool *isDeletable)
 returns the object references of the elements of a data set More...
void IedConnection_writeDataSetValues (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataSetReference, LinkedList values, LinkedList *accessResults)
 Write the data set values to the server. More...
void ClientDataSet_destroy (ClientDataSet self)
 destroy an ClientDataSet instance. Has to be called by the application. More...
MmsValueClientDataSet_getValues (ClientDataSet self)
 get the data set values locally stored in the ClientDataSet instance. More...
char * ClientDataSet_getReference (ClientDataSet self)
 Get the object reference of the data set. More...
int ClientDataSet_getDataSetSize (ClientDataSet self)
 get the size of the data set (number of members) More...
ControlObjectClient ControlObjectClient_create (const char *objectReference, IedConnection connection)
 Create a new client control object. More...
void ControlObjectClient_destroy (ControlObjectClient self)
char * ControlObjectClient_getObjectReference (ControlObjectClient self)
ControlModel ControlObjectClient_getControlModel (ControlObjectClient self)
bool ControlObjectClient_operate (ControlObjectClient self, MmsValue *ctlVal, uint64_t operTime)
 Send an operate command to the server. More...
bool ControlObjectClient_select (ControlObjectClient self)
bool ControlObjectClient_selectWithValue (ControlObjectClient self, MmsValue *ctlVal)
 Send an select with value command to the server. More...
bool ControlObjectClient_cancel (ControlObjectClient self)
void ControlObjectClient_setLastApplError (ControlObjectClient self, LastApplError lastAppIError)
LastApplError ControlObjectClient_getLastApplError (ControlObjectClient self)
void ControlObjectClient_setTestMode (ControlObjectClient self, bool value)
void ControlObjectClient_setOrigin (ControlObjectClient self, const char *orIdent, int orCat)
void ControlObjectClient_useConstantT (ControlObjectClient self, bool useConstantT)
 Use a constant T parameter for all command (select, operate, cancel) of a single control sequence. More...
void ControlObjectClient_enableInterlockCheck (ControlObjectClient self)
void ControlObjectClient_enableSynchroCheck (ControlObjectClient self)
void ControlObjectClient_setInterlockCheck (ControlObjectClient self, bool value)
 Set the value of the interlock check flag when a control command is sent. More...
void ControlObjectClient_setSynchroCheck (ControlObjectClient self, bool value)
 Set the value of the synchro check flag when a control command is sent. More...
void ControlObjectClient_setCommandTerminationHandler (ControlObjectClient self, CommandTerminationHandler handler, void *handlerParameter)
void IedConnection_getDeviceModelFromServer (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error)
 Retrieve the device model from the server. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getLogicalDeviceList (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error)
 Get the list of logical devices available at the server (DEPRECATED) More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getServerDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, bool getFileNames)
 Get the list of logical devices or files available at the server. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getLogicalDeviceDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *logicalDeviceName)
 Get the list of logical nodes (LN) of a logical device. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getLogicalNodeVariables (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *logicalNodeReference)
 returns a list of all MMS variables that are children of the given logical node More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getLogicalNodeDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *logicalNodeReference, ACSIClass acsiClass)
 returns the directory of the given logical node (LN) containing elements of the specified ACSI class More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getDataDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataReference)
 returns the directory of the given data object (DO) More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getDataDirectoryFC (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataReference)
 returns the directory of the given data object (DO) More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getDataDirectoryByFC (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 returns the directory of the given data object/data attribute with the given FC More...
MmsVariableSpecification * IedConnection_getVariableSpecification (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *dataAttributeReference, FunctionalConstraint fc)
 return the MMS variable type specification of the data attribute referenced by dataAttributeReference and function constraint fc. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_queryLogByTime (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *logReference, uint64_t startTime, uint64_t endTime, bool *moreFollows)
 Implementation of the QueryLogByTime ACSI service. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_queryLogAfter (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *logReference, MmsValue *entryID, uint64_t timeStamp, bool *moreFollows)
 Implementation of the QueryLogAfter ACSI service. More...
FileDirectoryEntry FileDirectoryEntry_create (const char *fileName, uint32_t fileSize, uint64_t lastModified)
void FileDirectoryEntry_destroy (FileDirectoryEntry self)
char * FileDirectoryEntry_getFileName (FileDirectoryEntry self)
uint32_t FileDirectoryEntry_getFileSize (FileDirectoryEntry self)
uint64_t FileDirectoryEntry_getLastModified (FileDirectoryEntry self)
LinkedList IedConnection_getFileDirectory (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *directoryName)
 returns the directory entries of the specified file directory. More...
LinkedList IedConnection_getFileDirectoryEx (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *directoryName, const char *continueAfter, bool *moreFollows)
 returns the directory entries of the specified file directory returned by a single file directory request. More...
uint32_t IedConnection_getFile (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *fileName, IedClientGetFileHandler handler, void *handlerParameter)
 Implementation of the GetFile ACSI service. More...
void IedConnection_setFilestoreBasepath (IedConnection, const char *basepath)
 Set the virtual filestore basepath for the setFile service. More...
void IedConnection_setFile (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *sourceFilename, const char *destinationFilename)
 Implementation of the SetFile ACSI service. More...
void IedConnection_deleteFile (IedConnection self, IedClientError *error, const char *fileName)
 Implementation of the DeleteFile ACSI service. More...

Macro Definition Documentation