libiec61850  1.2.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
MMS client API (for IEC 61850 use IEC 61850 client API instead!)

Data Structures

struct  MmsConnectionParameters
struct  MmsServerIdentity
struct  MmsJournalEntry
struct  MmsJournalVariable
struct  AcseAuthenticationParameter
struct  TSelector
 COTP T selector. More...
struct  SSelector
struct  IsoConnectionParameters


typedef void(* MmsInformationReportHandler) (void *parameter, char *domainName, char *variableListName, MmsValue *value, bool isVariableListName)
typedef struct sMmsConnection * MmsConnection
typedef void(* MmsRawMessageHandler) (void *parameter, uint8_t *message, int messageLength, bool received)
 Callback function to intercept raw MMS messages. More...
typedef void(* MmsConnectionLostHandler) (MmsConnection connection, void *parameter)
 User provided handler function that will be called if the connection to the server is lost. More...
typedef void(* MmsFileDirectoryHandler) (void *parameter, char *filename, uint32_t size, uint64_t lastModified)
typedef void(* MmsFileReadHandler) (void *parameter, int32_t frsmId, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bytesReceived)
typedef bool(* AcseAuthenticator) (void *parameter, AcseAuthenticationParameter authParameter, void **securityToken, IsoApplicationReference *appReference)
 Callback function to authenticate a client. More...


enum  AcseAuthenticationMechanism { ACSE_AUTH_NONE = 0, ACSE_AUTH_PASSWORD = 1, ACSE_AUTH_CERTIFICATE = 2, ACSE_AUTH_TLS = 3 }
 authentication mechanism úsed by AcseAuthenticator More...


MmsConnection MmsConnection_create (void)
 Create a new MmsConnection instance. More...
MmsConnection MmsConnection_createSecure (TLSConfiguration tlsConfig)
 Create a new secure (TLS enabled) MmsConnection instance. More...
void MmsConnection_setRawMessageHandler (MmsConnection self, MmsRawMessageHandler handler, void *parameter)
 Set the callback handler to intercept the raw MMS messages of the connection. More...
void MmsConnection_setFilestoreBasepath (MmsConnection self, const char *basepath)
 Set the virtual filestore basepath for the MMS obtain file services. More...
void MmsConnection_setRequestTimeout (MmsConnection self, uint32_t timeoutInMs)
 Set the request timeout in ms for this connection. More...
void MmsConnection_setConnectTimeout (MmsConnection self, uint32_t timeoutInMs)
 Set the connect timeout in ms for this connection instance. More...
void MmsConnection_setInformationReportHandler (MmsConnection self, MmsInformationReportHandler handler, void *parameter)
 Install a handler function for MMS information reports (unsolicited messages from the server). More...
IsoConnectionParameters MmsConnection_getIsoConnectionParameters (MmsConnection self)
 Get the ISO connection parameters for an MmsConnection instance. More...
MmsConnectionParameters MmsConnection_getMmsConnectionParameters (MmsConnection self)
 Get the MMS specific connection parameters for an MmsConnection instance. More...
void MmsConnection_setConnectionLostHandler (MmsConnection self, MmsConnectionLostHandler handler, void *handlerParameter)
 Install a callback function that will be called by the client stack if the MMS connection to the server is lost. More...
void MmsConnection_setIsoConnectionParameters (MmsConnection self, IsoConnectionParameters *params)
 Set the ISO connection parameters for a MmsConnection instance. More...
void MmsConnection_destroy (MmsConnection self)
 Destroy an MmsConnection instance and release all resources. More...
bool MmsConnection_connect (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *serverName, int serverPort)
 Connect to an MMS server. More...
void MmsConnection_close (MmsConnection self)
 Close the connection - not recommended. More...
void MmsConnection_abort (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 Uses the MMS/ACSE abort service to close the connection to the server. More...
void MmsConnection_conclude (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 Uses the MMS conclude service to close the connection to the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getVMDVariableNames (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 Get the names of all VMD scope variables of the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainNames (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 Get the domains names for all domains of the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainVariableNames (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId)
 Get the names of all variables present in a MMS domain of the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainVariableListNames (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId)
 Get the names of all named variable lists present in a MMS domain or VMD scope of the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainJournals (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId)
 Get the names of all journals present in a MMS domain of the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_getVariableListNamesAssociationSpecific (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 Get the names of all named variable lists associated with this client connection. More...
MmsValueMmsConnection_readVariable (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId)
 Read a single variable from the server. More...
MmsValueMmsConnection_readArrayElements (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t numberOfElements)
 Read an element of a single array variable from the server. More...
MmsValueMmsConnection_readMultipleVariables (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, LinkedListitems)
 Read multiple variables of a domain from the server with one request message. More...
MmsDataAccessError MmsConnection_writeVariable (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, MmsValue *value)
 Write a single variable to the server. More...
MmsDataAccessError MmsConnection_writeArrayElements (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, int index, int numberOfElements, MmsValue *value)
 Write a single array element or a sub array to an array type variable. More...
void MmsConnection_writeMultipleVariables (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, LinkedListitems, LinkedListvalues, LinkedList *accessResults)
 Write multiple variables to the server. More...
void MmsConnection_writeNamedVariableList (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, bool isAssociationSpecific, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, LinkedList values, LinkedList *accessResults)
 Write named variable list values to the server. More...
MmsVariableSpecification * MmsConnection_getVariableAccessAttributes (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId)
 Get the variable access attributes of a MMS named variable of the server. More...
MmsValueMmsConnection_readNamedVariableListValues (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *listName, bool specWithResult)
 Read the values of a domain specific named variable list. More...
MmsValueMmsConnection_readNamedVariableListValuesAssociationSpecific (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *listName, bool specWithResult)
 Read the values of a association specific named variable list. More...
void MmsConnection_defineNamedVariableList (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *listName, LinkedList variableSpecs)
 Define a new VMD or domain scoped named variable list at the server. More...
void MmsConnection_defineNamedVariableListAssociationSpecific (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *listName, LinkedList variableSpecs)
 Define a new association specific named variable list at the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListDirectory (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *listName, bool *deletable)
 Read the entry list of a named variable list at the server. More...
LinkedList MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListDirectoryAssociationSpecific (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *listName, bool *deletable)
 Read the entry list of an association specific named variable list at the server. More...
bool MmsConnection_deleteNamedVariableList (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *listName)
 Delete a named variable list at the server. More...
bool MmsConnection_deleteAssociationSpecificNamedVariableList (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *listName)
 Delete an association specific named variable list at the server. More...
MmsVariableAccessSpecificationMmsVariableAccessSpecification_create (char *domainId, char *itemId)
 Create a new MmsVariableSpecification that can be used to define named variable lists. More...
MmsVariableAccessSpecificationMmsVariableAccessSpecification_createAlternateAccess (char *domainId, char *itemId, int32_t index, char *componentName)
 Create a new MmsVariableSpecification that can be used to define named variable lists. More...
void MmsVariableAccessSpecification_destroy (MmsVariableAccessSpecification *self)
 Delete the MmsVariableAccessSpecification data structure. More...
void MmsConnection_setLocalDetail (MmsConnection self, int32_t localDetail)
 Get the MMS local detail parameter (local detail means maximum MMS PDU size). More...
int32_t MmsConnection_getLocalDetail (MmsConnection self)
MmsServerIdentityMmsConnection_identify (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError)
 get the identity of the connected server More...
void MmsServerIdentity_destroy (MmsServerIdentity *self)
 Destroy (free) an MmsServerIdentity object. More...
void MmsConnection_getServerStatus (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, int *vmdLogicalStatus, int *vmdPhysicalStatus, bool extendedDerivation)
 get the VMD status of the connected server (is MMS status service) More...
int32_t MmsConnection_fileOpen (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *filename, uint32_t initialPosition, uint32_t *fileSize, uint64_t *lastModified)
 open a file for
bool MmsConnection_fileRead (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, int32_t frsmId, MmsFileReadHandler handler, void *handlerParameter)
 read the next data block from the file More...
void MmsConnection_fileClose (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, int32_t frsmId)
 close the file with the specified frsmID More...
void MmsConnection_fileDelete (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *fileName)
 delete the file with the specified name More...
void MmsConnection_fileRename (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *currentFileName, const char *newFileName)
 rename the file with the specified name More...
void MmsConnection_obtainFile (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *sourceFile, const char *destinationFile)
 Send an obtainFile request to the server (used to initiate file download to server) More...
bool MmsConnection_getFileDirectory (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *fileSpecification, const char *continueAfter, MmsFileDirectoryHandler handler, void *handlerParameter)
 get the file directory of the server. More...
void MmsJournalEntry_destroy (MmsJournalEntry self)
 Destroy a single MmsJournalEntry instance. More...
const MmsValueMmsJournalEntry_getEntryID (MmsJournalEntry self)
const MmsValueMmsJournalEntry_getOccurenceTime (MmsJournalEntry self)
const LinkedList MmsJournalEntry_getJournalVariables (MmsJournalEntry self)
const char * MmsJournalVariable_getTag (MmsJournalVariable self)
const MmsValueMmsJournalVariable_getValue (MmsJournalVariable self)
LinkedList MmsConnection_readJournalTimeRange (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, MmsValue *startingTime, MmsValue *endingTime, bool *moreFollows)
LinkedList MmsConnection_readJournalStartAfter (MmsConnection self, MmsError *mmsError, const char *domainId, const char *itemId, MmsValue *timeSpecification, MmsValue *entrySpecification, bool *moreFollows)
AcseAuthenticationParameter AcseAuthenticationParameter_create (void)
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_destroy (AcseAuthenticationParameter self)
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_setAuthMechanism (AcseAuthenticationParameter self, AcseAuthenticationMechanism mechanism)
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_setPassword (AcseAuthenticationParameter self, char *password)
IsoConnectionParameters IsoConnectionParameters_create (void)
 create a new IsoConnectionParameters instance (FOR LIBRARY INTERNAL USE) More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_destroy (IsoConnectionParameters self)
 Destroy an IsoConnectionParameters instance (FOR LIBRARY INTERNAL USE) More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setTlsConfiguration (IsoConnectionParameters self, TLSConfiguration tlsConfig)
void IsoConnectionParameters_setAcseAuthenticationParameter (IsoConnectionParameters self, AcseAuthenticationParameter acseAuthParameter)
 set the authentication parameter More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setTcpParameters (IsoConnectionParameters self, const char *hostname, int tcpPort)
 Set TCP parameters (FOR LIBRARY INTERNAL USE) More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setRemoteApTitle (IsoConnectionParameters self, const char *apTitle, int aeQualifier)
 set the remote AP-Title and AE-Qualifier More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setRemoteAddresses (IsoConnectionParameters self, uint32_t pSelector, SSelector sSelector, TSelector tSelector)
 set remote addresses for the lower layers More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setLocalApTitle (IsoConnectionParameters self, const char *apTitle, int aeQualifier)
 set the local AP-Title and AE-Qualifier More...
void IsoConnectionParameters_setLocalAddresses (IsoConnectionParameters self, uint32_t pSelector, SSelector sSelector, TSelector tSelector)
 set local addresses for the lower layers More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool(* AcseAuthenticator) (void *parameter, AcseAuthenticationParameter authParameter, void **securityToken, IsoApplicationReference *appReference)

Callback function to authenticate a client.

parameteruser provided parameter - set when user registers the authenticator
authParameterthe authentication parameters provided by the client
securityTokenpointer where to store an application specific security token - can be ignored if not used.
appReferenceISO application reference (ap-title + ae-qualifier)
true if client connection is accepted, false otherwise
typedef struct sMmsConnection* MmsConnection

Opaque handle for MMS client connection instance.

typedef void(* MmsConnectionLostHandler) (MmsConnection connection, void *parameter)

User provided handler function that will be called if the connection to the server is lost.

connectionMmsConnection object of the lost connection
parameteruser provided parameter.
typedef void(* MmsFileDirectoryHandler) (void *parameter, char *filename, uint32_t size, uint64_t lastModified)
typedef void(* MmsFileReadHandler) (void *parameter, int32_t frsmId, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bytesReceived)
typedef void(* MmsInformationReportHandler) (void *parameter, char *domainName, char *variableListName, MmsValue *value, bool isVariableListName)
typedef void(* MmsRawMessageHandler) (void *parameter, uint8_t *message, int messageLength, bool received)

Callback function to intercept raw MMS messages.

IMPORTANT: the message buffer is only valid in the context of the the callback function. If the message data is required elsewhere it has to be copied here!

parameteruser provided parameter that is passed to the callback function
messagebuffer of the message.
messageLengthlength of the message in bytes
receivedif true message has been received, false when message has been sent.

Enumeration Type Documentation

authentication mechanism úsed by AcseAuthenticator


Neither ACSE nor TLS authentication used


Use ACSE password for client authentication


Use ACSE certificate for client authentication


Use TLS certificate for client authentication

Function Documentation

AcseAuthenticationParameter AcseAuthenticationParameter_create ( void  )
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_destroy ( AcseAuthenticationParameter  self)
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_setAuthMechanism ( AcseAuthenticationParameter  self,
AcseAuthenticationMechanism  mechanism 
void AcseAuthenticationParameter_setPassword ( AcseAuthenticationParameter  self,
char *  password 
IsoConnectionParameters IsoConnectionParameters_create ( void  )

create a new IsoConnectionParameters instance (FOR LIBRARY INTERNAL USE)

NOTE: This function used internally by the MMS client library. When using the MMS or IEC 61850 API there should be no reason for the user to call this function.

new IsoConnectionParameters
void IsoConnectionParameters_destroy ( IsoConnectionParameters  self)

Destroy an IsoConnectionParameters instance (FOR LIBRARY INTERNAL USE)

NOTE: This function used internally by the MMS client library. When using the MMS or IEC 61850 API there should be no reason for the user to call this function.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
void IsoConnectionParameters_setAcseAuthenticationParameter ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
AcseAuthenticationParameter  acseAuthParameter 

set the authentication parameter

This will set the authentication parameter and activates authentication.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
void IsoConnectionParameters_setLocalAddresses ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
uint32_t  pSelector,
SSelector  sSelector,
TSelector  tSelector 

set local addresses for the lower layers

This function can be used to set the addresses for the lower layer protocols (presentation, session, and transport layer). Calling this function is optional and not recommended. If not called the default parameters are used.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
pSelectorthe P-Selector (presentation layer address)
sSelectorthe S-Selector (session layer address)
tSelectorthe T-Selector (ISO transport layer address)
void IsoConnectionParameters_setLocalApTitle ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
const char *  apTitle,
int  aeQualifier 

set the local AP-Title and AE-Qualifier

Calling this function is optional and not recommended. If not called the default parameters are used. If apTitle is NULL the parameter the AP-Title and AE-Qualifier will not be transmitted. This seems to be required by some server devices.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
apTitlethe AP-Title OID as string.
aeQualifierthe AP-qualifier
void IsoConnectionParameters_setRemoteAddresses ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
uint32_t  pSelector,
SSelector  sSelector,
TSelector  tSelector 

set remote addresses for the lower layers

This function can be used to set the addresses for the lower layer protocols (presentation, session, and transport layer). Calling this function is optional and not recommended. If not called the default parameters are used.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
pSelectorthe P-Selector (presentation layer address)
sSelectorthe S-Selector (session layer address)
tSelectorthe T-Selector (ISO transport layer address)
void IsoConnectionParameters_setRemoteApTitle ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
const char *  apTitle,
int  aeQualifier 

set the remote AP-Title and AE-Qualifier

Calling this function is optional and not recommended. If not called the default parameters are used. If apTitle is NULL the parameter the AP-Title and AE-Qualifier will not be transmitted. This seems to be required by some server devices.

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
apTitlethe AP-Title OID as string.
aeQualifierthe AP-qualifier
void IsoConnectionParameters_setTcpParameters ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
const char *  hostname,
int  tcpPort 


NOTE: This function used internally by the MMS client library. When using the MMS or IEC 61850 API there should be no reason for the user to call this function

selfthe IsoConnectionParameters instance
hostnamethe hostname of IP address if the server
tcpPortthe TCP port number of the server
void IsoConnectionParameters_setTlsConfiguration ( IsoConnectionParameters  self,
TLSConfiguration  tlsConfig 
void MmsConnection_abort ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

Uses the MMS/ACSE abort service to close the connection to the server.

This service should be used to abruptly interrupt the connection to the server. It is not quite clear what the benefit of this service is (simply closing the TCP connection should do the same). Though it is required by conformance tests. In case the server doesn't close the connection after the internal timeout interval the client will close the TCP connection and set mmsError to MMS_ERROR_SERVICE_TIMEOUT.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
void MmsConnection_close ( MmsConnection  self)

Close the connection - not recommended.

This service simply closes the TCP socket without any hand-shaking with the server. This behavior is not specified. Use with care!

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
void MmsConnection_conclude ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

Uses the MMS conclude service to close the connection to the server.

This should be used to orderly release the connection to the server. If the server denies the conclude request (by sending a concludeError PDU) this service fails with an error (mmsError set accordingly) and the connection remains open. In this case the close or abort methods have to be used to close the connection. It is not quite clear if this service is really useful but it is required by conformance tests.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
bool MmsConnection_connect ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  serverName,
int  serverPort 

Connect to an MMS server.

This will open a new TCP connection and send a MMS initiate request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
serverNamehostname or IP address of the server to connect
serverPortTCP port number of the server to connect or -1 to use default port (102 for MMS or 3872 for MMS over TLS)
true on success. false if the connection attempt failed.
MmsConnection MmsConnection_create ( void  )

Create a new MmsConnection instance.

the newly created instance.
MmsConnection MmsConnection_createSecure ( TLSConfiguration  tlsConfig)

Create a new secure (TLS enabled) MmsConnection instance.

tlsConfigTLS configuration parameters and certificates
the newly created instance.
void MmsConnection_defineNamedVariableList ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  listName,
LinkedList  variableSpecs 

Define a new VMD or domain scoped named variable list at the server.

The resulting named variable list will either be of domain scope (when the domainId argument is present) or VMD scope when the domainId argument is NULL.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the domain for the new variable list
listNamethe name of the named variable list
variableSpecsa list of variable specifications for the new variable list. The list elements have to be of type MmsVariableAccessSpecification*.
void MmsConnection_defineNamedVariableListAssociationSpecific ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  listName,
LinkedList  variableSpecs 

Define a new association specific named variable list at the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
listNamethe name of the named variable list
variableSpecslist of variable specifications for the new variable list.The list elements have to be of type MmsVariableAccessSpecification*.
bool MmsConnection_deleteAssociationSpecificNamedVariableList ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  listName 

Delete an association specific named variable list at the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
listNamethe name of the named variable list
true if named variable list has been deleted, false otherwise
bool MmsConnection_deleteNamedVariableList ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  listName 

Delete a named variable list at the server.

The resulting named variable list will either be of domain scope (when the domainId argument is present) or VMD scope when the domainId argument is NULL.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the domain of the variable list
listNamethe name of the named variable list
true if named variable list has been deleted, false otherwise
void MmsConnection_destroy ( MmsConnection  self)

Destroy an MmsConnection instance and release all resources.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
void MmsConnection_fileClose ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
int32_t  frsmId 

close the file with the specified frsmID

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
frsmIdid of the file to close
void MmsConnection_fileDelete ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  fileName 

delete the file with the specified name

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
fileNamename of the file to delete
int32_t MmsConnection_fileOpen ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  filename,
uint32_t  initialPosition,
uint32_t *  fileSize,
uint64_t *  lastModified 

open a file for read

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
the FRSM ID (file read state machine) handle of the opened file
bool MmsConnection_fileRead ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
int32_t  frsmId,
MmsFileReadHandler  handler,
void *  handlerParameter 

read the next data block from the file

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
frsmIdthe FRSM ID (file read state machine) handle of the file
handlercallback that is invoked to deliver the received data
handlerParameteruser provided paramter that is passed to the callback function
true if more data follows, false if last data has been received.
void MmsConnection_fileRename ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  currentFileName,
const char *  newFileName 

rename the file with the specified name

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
currentFileNamename of the file to rename
newFileNamenew name of the file
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainJournals ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId 

Get the names of all journals present in a MMS domain of the server.

This will result in a domain specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name for the domain specific request
the domain specific journal names or NULL if the request failed.
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainNames ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

Get the domains names for all domains of the server.

This will result in a VMD specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variaextern "C" {ble to store error code
the list of domain names or NULL if the request failed.
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainVariableListNames ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId 

Get the names of all named variable lists present in a MMS domain or VMD scope of the server.

This will result in a domain specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name for the domain specific request or NULL for a VMD scope request
the domain specific named variable list names or NULL if the request failed.
LinkedList MmsConnection_getDomainVariableNames ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId 

Get the names of all variables present in a MMS domain of the server.

This will result in a domain specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name for the domain specific request
the of domain specific variable names or NULL if the request failed.
bool MmsConnection_getFileDirectory ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  fileSpecification,
const char *  continueAfter,
MmsFileDirectoryHandler  handler,
void *  handlerParameter 

get the file directory of the server.

This function will return the directory entries of the given server directory. For each directory entry the provided callback handler is called. If the

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
fileSpecificationthe file specification of the directory to browse or NULL to browse the root directory
continueAftercontinuation point or NULL for the first request. The continuation point is the first entry after the provided continuation file name.
handleruser provided callback handler
handlerParameteruser provided parameter that is passed to the handler
(more follows) true if more data is available
IsoConnectionParameters MmsConnection_getIsoConnectionParameters ( MmsConnection  self)

Get the ISO connection parameters for an MmsConnection instance.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
params the to be used by this connection
int32_t MmsConnection_getLocalDetail ( MmsConnection  self)
MmsConnectionParameters MmsConnection_getMmsConnectionParameters ( MmsConnection  self)

Get the MMS specific connection parameters for an MmsConnection instance.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
params the to be used by this connection
void MmsConnection_getServerStatus ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
int *  vmdLogicalStatus,
int *  vmdPhysicalStatus,
bool  extendedDerivation 

get the VMD status of the connected server (is MMS status service)

This function will return the status of the connected server by invoking the MMS status service. The services returns the logical and physical states of the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
vmdLogicalStatususer provided variable to store the logical state of the VMD
vmdPhysicalStatususer provided variable to store the physical state of the VMD
extendedDerivationinstructs the server to invoke self-diagnosis routines to determine server status
MmsVariableSpecification* MmsConnection_getVariableAccessAttributes ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId 

Get the variable access attributes of a MMS named variable of the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the variable or NULL for a VMD specific request
itemIdname of the variable
Returns a MmsTypeSpecification object or NULL if the request failed.
LinkedList MmsConnection_getVariableListNamesAssociationSpecific ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

Get the names of all named variable lists associated with this client connection.

This will result in an association specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
the association specific named variable list names or NULL if the request failed.
LinkedList MmsConnection_getVMDVariableNames ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

Get the names of all VMD scope variables of the server.

This will result in a VMD specific GetNameList request.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
the of VMD specific variable names or NULL if the request failed.
MmsServerIdentity* MmsConnection_identify ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError 

get the identity of the connected server

This function will return the identity of the server if the server supports the MMS identify service. The server identity consists of a vendor name, model name, and a revision.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
void MmsConnection_obtainFile ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  sourceFile,
const char *  destinationFile 

Send an obtainFile request to the server (used to initiate file download to server)

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
sourceFilethe name of the source file (client side name)
destinationFilethe name of the destination file (server side name)
MmsValue* MmsConnection_readArrayElements ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
uint32_t  startIndex,
uint32_t  numberOfElements 

Read an element of a single array variable from the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the variable to be read
itemIdname of the variable to be read
startIndexindex of element to read or start index if a element range is to be read
numberOfElementsNumber of elements to read or 0 if a single element is to be read
Returns a MmsValue object or NULL if the request failed. The MmsValue object is either a simple or complex type if numberOfElements is 0, or an array containing the selected array elements of numberOfElements > 0.
LinkedList MmsConnection_readJournalStartAfter ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
MmsValue timeSpecification,
MmsValue entrySpecification,
bool *  moreFollows 
LinkedList MmsConnection_readJournalTimeRange ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
MmsValue startingTime,
MmsValue endingTime,
bool *  moreFollows 
MmsValue* MmsConnection_readMultipleVariables ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,

Read multiple variables of a domain from the server with one request message.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the requested variables.
itemsLinkedList<char*> is the list of item IDs of the requested variables.
Returns a MmsValue object or NULL if the request failed. The MmsValue object is is of type MMS_ARRAY and contains the variable values of simple or complex type in the order as they appeared in the item ID list.
LinkedList MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListDirectory ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  listName,
bool *  deletable 

Read the entry list of a named variable list at the server.

The resulting named variable list will either be of domain scope (when the domainId argument is present) or VMD scope when the domainId argument is NULL.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the domain of the variable list
listNamethe name of the named variable list
deletableTHIS IS A OUTPUT PARAMETER - indicates if the variable list is deletable by the client. The user may provide a NULL pointer if the value doesn't matter.
List of names of the variable list entries or NULL if the request failed
LinkedList MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListDirectoryAssociationSpecific ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  listName,
bool *  deletable 

Read the entry list of an association specific named variable list at the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
listNamethe name of the named variable list
List of names of the variable list entries or NULL if the request failed
MmsValue* MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListValues ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  listName,
bool  specWithResult 

Read the values of a domain specific named variable list.

The resulting named variable list will either be of domain scope (when the domainId argument is present) or VMD scope when the domainId argument is NULL.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the requested variables.
listNamethe name of the named variable list
specWithResultif specWithResult is set to true, a IEC 61850 compliant request will be sent.
Returns a MmsValue object or NULL if the request failed. The MmsValue object is is of type MMS_ARRAY and contains the variable values of simple or complex type in the order as they appeared in named variable list definition.
MmsValue* MmsConnection_readNamedVariableListValuesAssociationSpecific ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  listName,
bool  specWithResult 

Read the values of a association specific named variable list.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
listNamethe name of the named variable list
specWithResultif specWithResult is set to true, a IEC 61850 compliant request will be sent.
Returns a MmsValue object or NULL if the request failed. The MmsValue object is is of type MMS_ARRAY and contains the variable values of simple or complex type in the order as they appeared in named variable list definition.
MmsValue* MmsConnection_readVariable ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId 

Read a single variable from the server.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the variable to be read or NULL to read a VMD specific named variable
itemIdname of the variable to be read
Returns a MmsValue object or NULL if the request failed. The MmsValue object can either be a simple value or a complex value or array. It is also possible that the return value is NULL even if mmsError = MMS_ERROR_NON. This is the case when the servers returns an empty result list.
void MmsConnection_setConnectionLostHandler ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsConnectionLostHandler  handler,
void *  handlerParameter 

Install a callback function that will be called by the client stack if the MMS connection to the server is lost.

handlerthe user provided callback function
handlerParametera parameter that will be passed to the callback function. Can be set to NULL if not required.
void MmsConnection_setConnectTimeout ( MmsConnection  self,
uint32_t  timeoutInMs 

Set the connect timeout in ms for this connection instance.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
timeoutInMsconnect timeout in milliseconds
void MmsConnection_setFilestoreBasepath ( MmsConnection  self,
const char *  basepath 

Set the virtual filestore basepath for the MMS obtain file services.

All external file service accesses will be mapped to paths relative to the base directory. NOTE: This function is only available when the CONFIG_SET_FILESTORE_BASEPATH_AT_RUNTIME option in stack_config.h is set.

selfthe MmsServer instance
basepaththe new virtual filestore basepath
void MmsConnection_setInformationReportHandler ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsInformationReportHandler  handler,
void *  parameter 

Install a handler function for MMS information reports (unsolicited messages from the server).

The handler function will be called whenever the client receives an MMS information report message. Note that the API user is responsible to properly free the passed MmsValue object.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
handlerthe handler function to install for this client connection
parametera user specified parameter that will be passed to the handler function on each invocation.
void MmsConnection_setIsoConnectionParameters ( MmsConnection  self,
IsoConnectionParameters *  params 

Set the ISO connection parameters for a MmsConnection instance.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
paramsthe ISO client parameters to use
void MmsConnection_setLocalDetail ( MmsConnection  self,
int32_t  localDetail 

Get the MMS local detail parameter (local detail means maximum MMS PDU size).

This defaults to 65000 (or the value specified in the stack_config.h file. This function should not be called after a successful connection attempt.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
localDetailthe maximum size of the MMS PDU that will be accepted.
void MmsConnection_setRawMessageHandler ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsRawMessageHandler  handler,
void *  parameter 

Set the callback handler to intercept the raw MMS messages of the connection.

This function can be used to log raw MMS messages. It may be useful for debugging purposes or advanced test tools. This function will only work when the flag CONFIG_MMS_RAW_MESSAGE_LOGGING it set in stack_config.h

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
handlerthe connection specific callback function
auser provided parameter passed to the callback function (use NULL if not required).
void MmsConnection_setRequestTimeout ( MmsConnection  self,
uint32_t  timeoutInMs 

Set the request timeout in ms for this connection.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
timeoutInMsrequest timeout in milliseconds
MmsDataAccessError MmsConnection_writeArrayElements ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
int  index,
int  numberOfElements,
MmsValue value 

Write a single array element or a sub array to an array type variable.

When a single array element is address the MmsValue object value has to be of the type of the array elements. When multiple array elements have to be written (index range) the MmsValue object value has to be of type MMS_ARRAY containing "numberOfElements" elements.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the variable to be written
indexthe index of the array element or the start index of a index range
numberOfElementsthe number of array elements to write starting with index. If 0 only one array element is written.
itemIdname of the variable to be written
valuevalue of the array element(s) to be written. Has to be of the type of the array elements or of type MMS_ARRAY when it is a sub array (index range)
when successful, the data access error value returned by the server
void MmsConnection_writeMultipleVariables ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
LinkedListitems  ,
LinkedListvalues  ,
LinkedList *  accessResults 

Write multiple variables to the server.

This function will write multiple variables to the server.

The parameter accessResults is a pointer to a LinkedList reference. The methods will create a new LinkedList object that contains the AccessResults of the single variable write attempts. It is up to the user to free this objects properly (e.g. with LinkedList_destroyDeep(accessResults, MmsValue_delete)).

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe common domain name of all variables to be written
itemsa linked list containing the names of the variables to be written. The names are C strings.
valuesvalues of the variables to be written
(OUTPUT)the MmsValue objects of type MMS_DATA_ACCESS_ERROR representing the write success of a single variable write.
void MmsConnection_writeNamedVariableList ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
bool  isAssociationSpecific,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
LinkedList  values,
LinkedList *  accessResults 

Write named variable list values to the server.

The parameter accessResults is a pointer to a LinkedList reference. The methods will create a new LinkedList object that contains the AccessResults of the single variable write attempts. It is in the responsibility of the user to free this objects properly (e.g. with LinkedList_destroyDeep(accessResults, MmsValue_delete)). If accessResult is the to NULL the result will not be stored.

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
isAssociationSpecifctrue if the named variable list is an association specific named variable list
domainIdthe common domain name of all variables to be written
valuesvalues of the variables to be written
(OUTPUT)the MmsValue objects of type MMS_DATA_ACCESS_ERROR representing the write success of a single variable write.
MmsDataAccessError MmsConnection_writeVariable ( MmsConnection  self,
MmsError mmsError,
const char *  domainId,
const char *  itemId,
MmsValue value 

Write a single variable to the server.

NOTE: added return value in version 1.1

selfMmsConnection instance to operate on
mmsErroruser provided variable to store error code
domainIdthe domain name of the variable to be written
itemIdname of the variable to be written
valuevalue of the variable to be written
when successful, the data access error value returned by the server
void MmsJournalEntry_destroy ( MmsJournalEntry  self)

Destroy a single MmsJournalEntry instance.

This function will destroy the whole MmsJournalEntry object including the attached list of MmsJournalVariable objects. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the LinkedList_destroyDeep function in order to free the result of MmsConnection_readJournalTimeRange or MmsConnection_readJournalStartAfter

LinkedList_destroyDeep(journalEntries, (LinkedListValueDeleteFunction) MmsJournalEntry_destroy);

selfthe MmsJournalEntry instance to destroy
const MmsValue* MmsJournalEntry_getEntryID ( MmsJournalEntry  self)
const LinkedList MmsJournalEntry_getJournalVariables ( MmsJournalEntry  self)
const MmsValue* MmsJournalEntry_getOccurenceTime ( MmsJournalEntry  self)
const char* MmsJournalVariable_getTag ( MmsJournalVariable  self)
const MmsValue* MmsJournalVariable_getValue ( MmsJournalVariable  self)
void MmsServerIdentity_destroy ( MmsServerIdentity self)

Destroy (free) an MmsServerIdentity object.

selfthe object to destroy
MmsVariableAccessSpecification* MmsVariableAccessSpecification_create ( char *  domainId,
char *  itemId 

Create a new MmsVariableSpecification that can be used to define named variable lists.

The created object can be deleted with free(). If the parameter strings were dynamically allocated the deallocation is in the responsibility of the user.

domainIdthe MMS domain name of the variable
itemIdthe name for the MMS variable
reference to the new MmsVariableSpecfication object
MmsVariableAccessSpecification* MmsVariableAccessSpecification_createAlternateAccess ( char *  domainId,
char *  itemId,
int32_t  index,
char *  componentName 

Create a new MmsVariableSpecification that can be used to define named variable lists.

The created object can be deleted with free(). If the parameter strings were dynamically allocated the deallocation is in the responsibility of the user. This function should be used for named variable list entries that are array elements or components of array elements in the case when the array element is of complex (structured) type.

domainIdthe MMS domain name of the variable
itemIdthe name for the MMS variable
indexthe array index to describe an array element
componentNamethe name of the component of the array element. Should be set to NULL if the array element is of simple type or the whole array element is required.
reference to the new MmsVariableSpecfication object
void MmsVariableAccessSpecification_destroy ( MmsVariableAccessSpecification self)

Delete the MmsVariableAccessSpecification data structure.

selfthe instance to delete