libiec61850  1.2.0
Data Fields

Root node of the IEC 61850 data model. This is usually created by the model generator tool (genmodel.jar) More...

#include <iec61850_model.h>

Data Fields

char * name
LogicalDevice * firstChild
DataSet * dataSets
ReportControlBlock * rcbs
GSEControlBlock * gseCBs
SVControlBlock * svCBs
SettingGroupControlBlock * sgcbs
LogControlBlock * lcbs
Log * logs
void(* initializer )(void)

Detailed Description

Root node of the IEC 61850 data model. This is usually created by the model generator tool (genmodel.jar)

Field Documentation

DataSet* IedModel::dataSets
LogicalDevice* IedModel::firstChild
GSEControlBlock* IedModel::gseCBs
void(* IedModel::initializer) (void)
LogControlBlock* IedModel::lcbs
Log* IedModel::logs
char* IedModel::name
ReportControlBlock* IedModel::rcbs
SettingGroupControlBlock* IedModel::sgcbs
SVControlBlock* IedModel::svCBs

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: