libiec61850.NET  1.5.1
IEC 61850 .NET API for libiec61850 protocol library
API Documentation

Copyright 2022 Michael Zillgith

This is the documentation for IEC61850.NET a .NET wrapper for the libiec61850 IEC 61850 protocol library.

Building the library and the .NET wrapper

Build the library (native DLL or .so file)

CMake is required

Example on linux:

1) create a build folder

mkdir build

2) configure and create the makefiles

cd build
cmake ..

3) Build the library


Example for Visual Studio 2015 (see cmake –help for other "generator" options)

3a) For 32 bit build

cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..

3b) For 64 bit build

cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..

4) Installing the native DLL/shared library

Put the library in a folder where the OS can find it:

e.g /usr/lib for Linux or C:/Windows/System32 for Windows.

Build the .NET wrapper:

Open the dotnet.sln solution file in the dotnet folder with Visual Studio or MonoDevelop.

You can build all the targets there or only the IEC61850.NET project.