libiec61850  1.5.3
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CDataAttributeIEC 61850 data model element of type data attribute
 CDataObjectIEC 61850 data model element of type data object
 CIedModelRoot node of the IEC 61850 data model. This is usually created by the model generator tool (genmodel.jar)
 CIedServerConfigConfiguration object to configure IEC 61850 stack features
 CIsoApplicationReferenceISO application reference (specifies an ISO application endpoint)
 CItuObjectIdentifierITU (International Telecommunication Union) object identifier (OID)
 CLinkedListReference to a linked list or to a linked list element
 CLogicalDeviceIEC 61850 data model element of type logical device
 CLogicalNodeIEC 61850 data model element of type logical node
 CModelNodeAbstract base type for IEC 61850 data model nodes
 CPSelectorOSI presentation (P) selector
 CSettingGroupControlBlockIEC 61850 data model of setting group control block (SGCB)
 CSSelectorOSI session selector
 CTSelectorCOTP T selector